Community Engagement Programs

MSA Breakfast Club

The MSA Breakfast Club provide a hot breakfast each Wednesday during semester. They feed all students: meat lovers, vegatarians and vegans.

Divisional Executive Committees

  • Clubs and Societies Executive Committee
  • MUISS Executive Committee
  • MAPS Committee

MSA Hump Day

Hump day volunteers assist the MSA Activities Department in hosting lunch and entertainment on the Lemon Scented Lawns.

Host Scheme

Established in 1974, Host Scheme is an orientation program for new Monash students. Leaders run camps, weekend functions and evening events.

Ask Me

Ask Me is a program active throughout semester who act as a walking information desk and survey students to better enhance Monash services and facilities.

Lot’s Wife Contributors

Lot's Wife is the Monash (Clayton based) student magazine. All contributors (writing, photography, graphics and drawings) are students. Lot's Wife is published during University semester and welcome all students to contribute.

MUST (Monash University Student Theatre)

MUST is here to facilitate your creative or technical development. There are a number of opportunities available including roles as actors, directors, writers, production managers, artists, set designers and lighting designers.

MSA Volunteer Departmental Committee/Collective Membership

  • Environmental & Social Justice Collective
  • Indigenous Committee
  • Student Affairs Committee
  • Women's Affairs Collective
  • Queer Affairs Collective
  • MUISS Committee

Note: All Department committee/collective links will forward you to the MSA Office Bearer responsible for said committee/collective.

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