13th September 2017

What Should I Read? 中文书推荐书单 Chinese Book Recommendations

In addition to English collections, the library holds books in Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, French, & Spanish. Chinese learners and native speakers – check out these 6 Top Picks by Sunny from the Recreational Library!

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What Should I Read? 中文书推荐书单 Chinese Book Recommendations

1. 房思琪的初恋乐园Si Qi’s Very First Love

The book was written by young Taiwanese writer Lin Yi Han based on her true life story. The ‘first love’ was not a good experience for Siqi, as her teacher repeatedly sexually assaulted her during school. Siqi was just 13, and this experience totally changed her life and her understanding of life. She was confused, ‘is this love? Why is this love violent?’ ‘Did I do something wrong?’
The sad fact is the writer, Lin Yihan committed suicide in 2017 due to severe depression, it seems she was never able to walk out from the past. However, she chose to confess her own sadness and dark past to the readers, expecting her own experience would have an impact on the public to pay attention to the issue of sexual assault and teenager protection.

2. 至味在人间Real Life Deliciousness

The author, Chen Xiaoqing, is the director of a famous documentary, A Bite of China. In this book, he collected his experience of travelling all around China and tasting different food. Chen believes that authentic Chinese food always comes from real life, from cities to the countryside. This book is more about people and their feelings, food can represent family, love, motherland and memories. Readers may follow his footsteps, to discover the change and development of Chinese foods.

3. 智能时代 The Era of Intelligentisation

Big data is one of the top phrases in our society. The development of big data and intelligentisation has led to technological innovation, it therefore significantly influences commercial activities and social life. Author Wu Jun, former project manager for Google and current CEO of a venture capital (VC) firm, analyses this era of intelligentisation for readers. Standing on a professional grounds, the author relates the notion to the simplest examples in our life, the readers could be brought to the future that has already arrived, although we have never realised it. For those people who would like to understand the future trends of commerce, society and information technology, this book is on your must-read list.

What Should I Read? 中文书推荐书单 Chinese Book Recommendations

4. 独自上场 My Life

This is the autobiography of Li Na, the very first grand slam champion who comes from Asia. She is also one of the most famous Chinese athletes who has drawn great attention on an international stage. From her hometown Wuhan, to Beijing where the national tennis team is located, Li Na struggled in the national sports system for over 10 years. She finally built her own team and stood on the courts of grand slams in Melbourne, Paris, London and New York. There have always been difficulties on the road to success, winning honours means hours of training and unlimited efforts that we could not imagine. She has the desire to win championships, and the persistence to achieve her dream. In this book, you can have an insight into Li Na’s extraordinary and ordinary world, her upbringing, her achievements and also her love story. There is a different Li Na here for you to discover…

5. 我们仨 We, Three
作者杨绛先生是中国著名的编剧,作家以及翻译家,她也是中国最伟大的女人之一。除去她的这些头衔以外,人们更加津津乐道于她与著名作家钱钟书的爱情与生活。《我们仨》记述了钱钟书,杨绛和他们的女儿的故事,这个家庭63年来的风风雨雨,点点滴滴。本书的故事温暖而平凡,深情而动人。丈夫和女儿在两年间因病相继离去,思念涌动,杨绛用文字倾诉思念。 本书分为两部分, 第一部分,作者以独特的写法讲述了最后几年一家三口相依为命的情感体验, 第二部分,是长达63年的记忆,从1953年在剑桥的爱情到1998年钱钟书逝世,那些鲜为人知的故事,倾吐而出。“我们仨失散了,剩下我一个。我却觉得我这一生并不空虚,我活得很充实,也很有意思,因为有我们仨。”

The author, Yang Jiang, was a famous play writer and translator, she was also awarded as one of the greatest women in China. Apart from these rewards, people admire more about her relationship and life with her husband, Qian Zhong Shu. ‘We, Three’ talks about the stories between Yang, Qian and their daughter, ups and downs that happened in this family over 63 years. The narrative is ordinary but full of warmth, emotional and touching. Yang’s husband and daughter both passed away within 2 years, Yang uses literature to express her love and loneliness. There are two parts in this book, in the first part, the author talked about the emotional experiences during the last few years she spent with her family members. The second part contains all the memories in 63 years, from their love story at Cambridge to the day when Qian passed away.
‘We three got lost, there is only me left, but I don’t think my life is empty, I lived an interesting and fulfilled life, because I have us three.

6. 我二十九岁的夏天My 29th summer

Seasons come and go but the road never ends. For the main character, his 29th summer has been similar with all other summers in his life, there is an indescribable atmosphere, saying goodbye to some people, the emotion of sadness hanging around him. However, there was no such events that could influence his life significantly in the end, autumn has come, another turn of season starts. The summer described in this book looks like the summer all of us have spent, time flies, four seasons are like a loop. The events we cared about, worried about or were surprised by, would not leave a single footprint as we entered the next round. “Nothing is too good, nothing is too bad”, this is life. The author, You Lu, uses the warm narrative, and bright pictures, to talk about his life philosophy.

What Should I Read? 中文书推荐书单 Chinese Book Recommendations

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